Tag: Happiness

Spreading Random Happiness…

Spreading Random Happiness…

One fine Friday, I was successful in spreading some random happiness. A simple quiz game and happiness as gift. Making people around you happy doesn’t just boost them but if you ever made a person smile when they have least expected it, or had been so 

Soulful Sunday :)

Soulful Sunday :)

“One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” – Luciano Pavarotti

Spring, Love And Happiness :)

Spring, Love And Happiness :)

Spring, Earth is Like a Child, Poems by Heart, Quote of the Day, Thoughts, Doodles, Love, Inspiration, Quotes, Happiness, Recipes, Sowing Happiness, Spreading Love, Positive Thoughts, Gulmohar Doodles, Puneeta Prakash Blog, Puneeta Prakash, Personal Blog, Blogger
Photo courtesy: Balakrishnan K | www.utopianhere.com

“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.”

― Rainer Maria Rilke

The Day of Love 💕

The Day of Love 💕

Photo courtesy: Balakrishnan K | www.utopianhere.com It was Valentine’s Day yesterday and the air was filled with love and happiness. People were celebrating this day of love everywhere. The question which arises in my mind is – “Is a day in an year enough for showing 

Life Happens… When You Stop And Listen!!

Life Happens… When You Stop And Listen!!

“So many reasons for you to be happy…So many reasons for you to be smiling But you’re not about to see ‘em,…You’re not about to feel ‘em, You’re not about to be ‘em….if you don’t believe them…” Life happens… when you stop and listen!! Its’ amazing 

Friday Inspiration

Friday Inspiration

Happiness, Life, Motivation, Friday Quotes, Life, Inner Peace, Heart
Photo courtesy: Loe Lawrence

Success can’t be measured by how much money you have, but by whether you have inner peace in your heart… ♥ ~ Dalai Lama

Eat Tulsi, Because Ma Says It… :)

Eat Tulsi, Because Ma Says It… :)

Recently I went to meet a friend of mine who has a five year old son. Unfortunately, the poor soul was suffering from bad cough. On top of this, my friend told me that he frequently gets cough and cold. I remember, that when I