Month: September 2013



We look for inspiration in others lives, not knowing that there are plenty of inspiration to look in our own…!!

When The World Says, “Give Up,” Hope Whispers, “Try It One More Time”…

When The World Says, “Give Up,” Hope Whispers, “Try It One More Time”…

“A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” How can we overcome depression, a painful emotion that can feel like we are having our insides removed?? When we suffer loss, disappointment, failure, monotonous routines or whatever else the devil’s 

Yes, Doing Housework Is My Hobby!

Yes, Doing Housework Is My Hobby!

What is a hobby?



Noun An activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure.

defines it as: A hobby is a regularly activity that is done for pleasure, typically, during one’s leisure time. Hobbies can include: the collection of themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, along with many more examples. By continually participating in a particular hobby, one can acquire substantial skill and knowledge in that area.

So, after reading this anyone will ask me – “How can housework be someone’s hobby?” Yeah! I know, painting, cooking, reading, trekking, swimming, gossiping, shopping etc. comes in the hobby list. Housework being a hobby is an unheard term! This is sort of true. But let’s see how it became my “Hobby”.

Being a working woman, and juggling between office and housework is really difficult at times. The floors which needs sweeping and mopping, piles of dishes in the sink telling my Friday night tales, washrooms in need of tremendous scrubbing, clothes which badly needs a good wash, dried, folded and put away and all the other household chores are every women’s weekend horror story! There were days when I use to get really irritated, annoyed and angry seeing the amount of work which awaited in the weekend list to be done. It use to drive me crazy! I would not get up early, to avoid the horrendous work pile. I just didn’t want to face the “weekend work monster”. And then one day, while reading through some magazines and somehow going through a post, I got this wicked idea. Instead of resenting my housework and getting angry about all the household chores, I took a deep breath and said to myself that from now on I will make housework as my hobby!!

Now, some of my friends and relatives told me that it is not necessary to do all these work every weekend just like it is not necessary to paint or swim every weekend. Might be I can distribute my work and can do it in alternative weekends or better hire a maid for doing all these! Simple isn’t it? But, I don’t prefer to do either of these. For me, keeping a clean home, just like going for a swim, trek or shopping, is simply one’s preference on how they choose to live. I like to live in a clean home. Arranged cupboards, the fragrance of washed, dried and cleanly folded clothes, washed dishes and an arranged and clean house makes me peaceful and happier. I can sit on a comfortable chair near my apartment window sipping a cup of hot green tea and it gives me immense pleasure to see all my housework done! Keeping a maid might give me rest from doing the housework chores but at the same time will increase my blood pressure and irritation keeping a track of what the maid is doing and how? The amount of stealing, frequency of taking leaves, lies and untidiness they show, leaves me restless. I don’t say all the maids are same, but at the same time I can’t deny the fact that most of them are. Foremost, I don’t want to get into the comfort of having a maid after seeing ladies going bonkers when their maid don’t turn up and they have loads of work to do themselves.

Coming to my point again, when you start to dig into your housework and it seems overwhelming or undesirable, just say to yourself “THIS IS MY HOBBY” and believe me, it will make a difference in the way you see your work! It has helped me a lot! And, since I incorporated these pearls of wisdom my entire approach to housework has changed. I am a much happier homemaker than ever before… 😀 😀

Generally a person who engages in an activity solely for fun is called an amateur (or hobbyist), as opposed to a professional who engages in an activity for reward. An amateur may be as skilled as a professional, the principle difference being that a professional receives compensation while an amateur does not. But in my case, the amateur (or hobbyist) is the one who will be rewarded with peace, happiness and the most important factor, a cleaner home!! 😀 😀 Apart from that, since you will start enjoying your work, you will also find different and interesting ways to do and finish chores much faster and in a more efficient way. You will search, explore and learn new ideas about how you can reduce the time for each chore. And I am sure everyone knows that a happy wife is a happy life!! If the lady of the house is happy and peaceful, the whole house will be happy and content 😀

I wish everyone a very happy weekend. Enjoy well and remember this saying by Richard P. Feynman – “What makes your Heart flutter? Do Only that! There is not enough time for anything else.” 😀 😀